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Products Made of Recycled Rubber Newsgroup

EXPIRED LISTING - submitted on 2009-02-17.
Details and prices quoted are no longer current or valid.
Products Made From Recycled Rubber : AVAILABLE TO SELL


rolling rubber fuel cell.
Tubular rolling rubber fuel cell offers 35 check valves to ensure a 5 second evacuation of the container. intended for the space industry, this recycled rubber fuel cell can be manufactured to spec. the current sizes are 500lbs, 10,000lbs and 500,000lbs containment volume.Specify liquified hydro-carbon or petrolium

Listing ID: LA865772
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Quantity Units Frequency
10 lbs Ongoing
Price Funds Per Unit
10,000.00 USD each

NOTE : This is an archived listing and the details of the listing are outdated and no longer valid.
ID TYPE ITEMS ( Found : 549 ) DATE
LW871444 Wanted silicon glue. 2009-03-16 22:38:00
LA870302 Available Reclaimed EPDM Rubber. 2009-03-11 05:28:00
LA869666 Available playground surface tile,pavers. 2009-03-09 04:07:00
LA869665 Available SBR,NBR,CR,NR,EPDM rubber sheet,rubber matting. 2009-03-09 04:04:00
LA869664 Available Rubber stable mat,cow mat,horse mat . 2009-03-09 04:00:00
LW868699 Wanted tire plants' rubber waste. 2009-03-04 02:47:00
LA867469 Available conveyor belt trim scrap. 2009-02-25 14:48:00
LA866177 Available Rubber Powder. 2009-02-19 03:39:00
LA865962 Available impact thrust absorber panels. 2009-02-18 10:54:00
LA865772 Available rolling rubber fuel cell. 2009-02-17 16:13:00
LA861304 Available Safety play tiles. 2009-01-27 07:55:00
LA860051 Available Granulated Rubber. 2009-01-20 19:22:00
LW858716 Wanted recycled tire rubber. 2009-01-13 19:15:00
LW858008 Wanted Rubber Mulch. 2009-01-09 14:30:00
LW857904 Wanted Rubber Crumb. 2009-01-09 05:18:00
LA857541 Available Rubber mats. 2009-01-07 15:14:00
LA857508 Available 4x6 feet rubber mats 3-4 thick. 2009-01-07 13:25:00
LW850938 Wanted Powder or chip. 2008-11-24 14:50:00
LW848825 Wanted Butyl scrap. 2008-11-11 21:24:00
LA848251 Available reclaim rubber. 2008-11-08 12:16:00
LA848249 Available reclaim rubber. 2008-11-08 12:14:00
LA847403 Available v belt. 2008-11-04 03:10:00
LA842411 Available Horse Arena. 2008-10-05 20:37:00
LA842410 Available Black Rubber Mulch. 2008-10-05 20:34:00
LA838916 Available Nylon frition. 2008-09-16 14:31:00
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