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Rendering and Protein Recovery Newsgroup

EXPIRED LISTING - submitted on 2023-01-26.
Details and prices quoted are no longer current or valid.
Rendering and Protein Wastes : WANTED TO BUY


Food waste .
Food waste and trimmings from restaurants including: fruits and vegetables, meats and bones, sea food, poultry, dairy products, bread and grains, coffee grounds,plant trimmings, soiled paper products

Listing ID: LW1344880
To view contact information to this listing,

Quantity Units Frequency
2000 Kg. Day
Price Funds Per Unit
0.3 USD Kg.

NOTE : This is an archived listing and the details of the listing are outdated and no longer valid.
ID TYPE ITEMS ( Found : 1325 ) DATE
LA1352401 Available Used cooking oil. 2023-06-24 04:31:00
LA1352362 Available Used cooking oil. 2023-06-23 04:24:00
LA1352228 Available Used veg. Oil. 2023-06-20 15:44:00
117649 Forum UVO Market unchanged. 2023-06-19 22:00:00
LA1352146 Available Restaurant mixed waste food. 2023-06-19 12:23:00
LA1352067 Available Used cooking Oil. 2023-06-17 02:37:00
LW1351508 Wanted Used cooking oil . 2023-06-05 04:20:00
LA1351013 Available used cooking oil (UCO). 2023-05-24 03:42:00
117625 Forum UVO Market unchanged. 2023-05-19 22:00:00
LW1350434 Wanted Broken biscuit waste, Waste expired bread, . 2023-05-11 14:00:00
LW1350388 Wanted Used Cooking Oil. 2023-05-11 03:56:00
LA1350368 Available Used cooking oil. 2023-05-10 15:40:00
LW1350214 Wanted UVO / UCO. 2023-05-07 07:07:00
LA1350092 Available Mixed vegetables . 2023-05-03 13:40:00
LW1349933 Wanted Used Cooking Oil. 2023-04-30 09:14:00
LW1349708 Wanted Used cooking oil. 2023-04-26 06:44:00
LA1349495 Available Used cooking oil. 2023-04-22 04:40:00
LA1349462 Available Used cooking oil . 2023-04-21 02:37:00
117600 Forum UVO Market unchanged. 2023-04-19 22:00:00
LW1349120 Wanted Organic waste. 2023-04-14 09:28:00
LA1349101 Available Used yellow grease/ Use grease vegetable oil, cooking oil. 2023-04-13 21:00:00
LA1348707 Available UVO Used Vegetable Oils. 2023-04-06 23:01:00
LA1348702 Available Used cooking oil . 2023-04-06 20:45:00
LW1348461 Wanted UCO . 2023-04-02 20:08:00
LW1348385 Wanted used cooking oil. 2023-03-31 04:08:00
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